She's back! With such a nice song now. And the dance too! But somehow I feel that the dance don't really match the song? Looking at both aspects separately though, the song is awesome and the dance is wonderful. But anyway, Boa's back and I can't wait for her live performance.
Sunday, 22 July 2012
the Queen is back!
She's back! With such a nice song now. And the dance too! But somehow I feel that the dance don't really match the song? Looking at both aspects separately though, the song is awesome and the dance is wonderful. But anyway, Boa's back and I can't wait for her live performance.
Posted by Unknown at 12:28 0 comments
Saturday, 14 July 2012
5 more weeks!
Finally we got to the process of buying our air tickets. There were still a bit of problems, especially for me since I'm flying to so many places. But I hope I'm able to purchase the multi-destination tickets! Then it will be done with the air tickets and on to the housing!
So exciting right haha. I can't wait to leave this country. Like really.
Oh right. And I witnessed a fight on the bus today. It's really ridiculous. One of the guys just sat down on the seat and at the next stop, suddenly two aunties rushed from the back to the middle of the bus without getting down. I thought what happened sia, then I looked behind and saw these two men caught in a fight. Like seriously? Why did they even have to fight? So weird. Oh wells, but these incidents have been occurring way too frequently.
Where has all the considerate people gone to? Sigh...
Posted by Unknown at 20:45 0 comments
Thursday, 5 July 2012
Birthdays and more birthdays!
So finally, I pulled myself to write this post. Let's start from Sunday 1st July.
Pretty isn't it! Love it to bits. Haha. I'm a total android convert now. Other than my ipod which is 4 years old, my phone and now this is android OS. :)
Wednesday was my 21st Birthday, and I met up with Regina for lunch. We wanted to go Keppel Bay, but it kept raining, so we decided that it was better to stay indoors, and went to town instead. Ate at Coca Restaurant. Steamboat buffet. We ordered so much in two rounds haha. But so satisfying! After that, I got tempted by Regina to get Olympus EPL-3. Sigh, money gone. I will take it as a birthday present for myself! Would have gotten EP-3, but it's too expensive. It's not much of a difference anyway I feel, except for the touch screen on EP-3 but it doesn't matter to me. So EPL-3 I bought! the white one. So pretty. Super broke now though, shall go on a SAVE MONEY SCHEME. haha.
Honestly I have always wanted an Olympus Pen but I always thought it was too expensive so I didn't get it. This time I was convinced to get it because it gave so much free stuff it was really a good deal. :) Shall make full use of it when I go to Korea and Taiwan!
Met Sheena for dinner after that! Kind of. I was so late because I was purchasing the camera. SORRY SHEENA! went to swenson's for dinner and got treated by her! :D THANKS. I ordered apple crumble.
The apple bits are really sweet. Which is good for me. I love this kind of sweet stuff haha. Thanks for the treat again!

Outfit for Monday! Dress from Hollyhoque. But it's abit on the short side.
AND that's what happened for the past few days!!
Oh right. Regina and I started our discussions for the Korea trip. Damn exciting haha. Just thought of it makes me high. We are gonna go Jeju, and of course explore around in Seoul! Need to buy tickets soon! So that I can apply for my visa and stuff. :D Can't Wait!!!!
Posted by Unknown at 21:23 0 comments