I have a new found love for Indie music. It's really the kind of music I like, besides ballads. Maybe it's secretly the reason why I love to go cafes too. Haha. Anyhow, I realise indie music really calms me down.
Feeling so relaxed right now~
Thursday, 27 September 2012
Posted by Unknown at 00:56 0 comments
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Gonna miss another performing opportunity again. Thanks a lot.
It really feels like I'm being forgotten...
Posted by Unknown at 11:50 0 comments
Friday, 21 September 2012
Regrets? or Not.
As Blast! is starting their show in UCC hall, I'm sitting right here in my room in NTHU wondering how it would be like if I was there - as a performer.
The first week of school for me has ended. So far it's not too hard yet and I could understand. I'm just surprised that people don't know that Singaporeans have Chinese and they can speak Mandarin.
Interesting things that happened:
One prof thought I was from China because of my name. Well, I'm Chinese of course I have a Chinese name isn't it. Otherwise, how should Singaporean names be like?
Another prof thought I was a graduate student. Well, I think NUS teach way too much haha. The graduate modules there are equivalent to level 3000 or level 4000 modules in NUS.
They still use chalkboards there! So old school. I like.
I came to Taiwan alone actually thinking that I will be alone for the whole semester. I have heard that Taiwanese are very friendly, but no high hopes since I'm not that sociable. I often wonder when will I reach the limit that I will be so homesick till I yearn to go home immediately. I thought Taiwan will be rather easy to navigate so I could go anywhere alone.
It was until I came here that I realise it is all not as I expected. Taiwan is not that developed - I actually spent the first day without any internet or even wifi. And rather than I refer to them as buddy, they are actually only people that help you settle all the admin and dormitory issues only. Well, my 'buddy' apparently only helped me to settle my dormitory issues, and leave me to settle the administration issues myself. I actually thought I would just go around the offices alone not knowing where to go. Thank goodness, I made my first two friends on the second day. Coming from Singapore's NTU, Shirlynn and Xinrong. They live next door and I met them when I was going to the toilet and I actually asked if I could join them Well, they gladly agreed, and I met my third friend: Brian - their buddy. So I followed them and for the subsequent two weeks we went travelling around. In the middle of the first week, the other person from NUS arrived, so the four of us went travelling together.
Well, I first thought that I didn't want to come with any friends because I'm scared I will have to stick with them for the whole semester, but somehow this is rather good. Maybe it's because we are from different faculties, different majors, our timetables are all different. So actually I have free time to myself but we still meet up. And it is really hard to navigate around Taiwan. I still don't understand the public buses here.. :/
Anyway, by the end of the second week, my roommates have already moved in, and I made my next friend in NTHU. Hyeseung from Korea. Told her about my interest in Korea and the language and stuff and she offered to teach me Korean. Haha. Well, in return I'd help her with her Chinese too! She's real nice.
And then, school started. Well, classes have been okay, but somehow I don't have any interaction with the local students. I'm like really quiet, sitting by myself, trying to make sense of what the teacher is teaching in Chinese.
By now, I have made another two friends. Hyunmin and Hahye, both from Korea as well. Had dinner together and really chatted alot. At first I thought they were quite unfriendly, but then it's actually the other way round. They are really cute. haha.
My dormitory is up on a hill, so everyday I have to climb a hill to get back to my dormitory. A bit tiring, but I guess I will get used to it. And there are a lot of dogs walking around. They are not stray dogs, just that they are not leashed. :/
I don't regret my decision to come here to study, but sometimes I wonder why I chose to come this semester. By coming here this semester, I'm missing SUAD2012 and Oschool Recital 2012. But I guess it is inevitable since I'm going to graduate soon.
Ever since suad practices started, I always wished I was part of it. It's their show day today and I'm not even there. Plus, it is actually my only chance to perform on UCC hall. SUAD is a biannual concert and I'm already year 3, and gonna graduate after next semester. Which means, even if I have the chance, to maybe do alumni item or something next time, I don't think it will be as massive as when I am still studying. In addition, I don't even know if I have the time to participate in all these next time.
Oschool Recital as well. Plus this year there is a Fredy/Xuehui collabo. Something I always wanted to do. Maybe even if I get in I won't be in the item, but who knows. It will always be a good experience.
Talking about dance, I have not danced ever since the week before I left Singapore. That makes it more than a month already. Am really dying to get into a dance studio and just move my body. ><
Homesick, yes I am. I do miss home. I miss all my friends and my family. Everytime I talk to my friends online, I wish I could be talking to them face-to-face instead. Everyday I'm counting down to the day I fly back to Singapore...
Posted by Unknown at 20:29 0 comments
Sunday, 16 September 2012
Wanted to go Taipei today, but it was raining so heavily, plans were cancelled. Even for tomorrow. All because of a passing typhoon. Sigh. The sky must do this to me just before I start school huh. :(
Posted by Unknown at 00:03 0 comments
Thursday, 13 September 2012
2 weeks in Taiwan
I have spent almost 2 weeks in taiwan. Starting school next week. So far, it has been a really good experience, making new friends and stuff.
Was so homesick when I just reached here, most probably because I wasn't able to contact anybody because I didn't have wifi/internet/3g. So homesick I cried myself to sleep. Thank goodness the next day I met the two exchange students from ntu and they had been really nice! :)
Now my roommates have all arrived and one of them is a korean. So exciting. Talked to her and she's such a nice person! Even offered to teach me Korean. Of course I will teach her Chinese in return!
Now the only thing left is dance. Regardless of in school of out of school. I really lost touch. Need to get it back!!
Posted by Unknown at 22:23 0 comments
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Last day in Singapore
Today is the day! Going to the airport at night and that will mark the start of my student exchange trip. Gonna go Korea for about 2-3 weeks to travel first before heading over to Taiwan. This is so exciting!
But I keep wondering if I will be homesick for the next 5 months. After all it is a long period away from home... oh wells. Last post before I fly. A short one too.
Posted by Unknown at 15:42 0 comments
Saturday, 11 August 2012
너무 아파
you know how something always hits you right in the heart making you feel terrible and the only way to feel better is to let go.
If only, letting go is as easy as it sounds.
Yes I admit that it's jealousy overtaking me right now. jealous that people have more opportunities, more chances than I have. jealous that they seem to have more freedom. jealous that they can connect better. all that i don't have, i'm jealous that other people has it, but i know it's because i don't have the guts, don't dare to take the step, don't dare to take the initiative that led to all these. And somehow, I seem to keep forgetting that these people do have their own problems too.
I'm still trying to accept things the way it is, but is not as easy as it seems to be.
I'm beginning to believe that being ignorant sometimes makes you a happier person than knowing everything. And I think that social networking has something to do with this. Many a times I had wondered, "If i never checked facebook, I would not have know they did this and possibly conveniently excluded me", "if i never checked twitter, I would not have know they went to this place and possibly conveniently did not invite me to join them". All these "would not have know" would just possibly make me a happier person.
Then I realised, that giving reasons or excuses is just a form of escaping.
And maybe. Just maybe. I'm just not that good enough as a person.
Posted by Unknown at 00:41 0 comments
Sunday, 22 July 2012
the Queen is back!
She's back! With such a nice song now. And the dance too! But somehow I feel that the dance don't really match the song? Looking at both aspects separately though, the song is awesome and the dance is wonderful. But anyway, Boa's back and I can't wait for her live performance.
Posted by Unknown at 12:28 0 comments
Saturday, 14 July 2012
5 more weeks!
Finally we got to the process of buying our air tickets. There were still a bit of problems, especially for me since I'm flying to so many places. But I hope I'm able to purchase the multi-destination tickets! Then it will be done with the air tickets and on to the housing!
So exciting right haha. I can't wait to leave this country. Like really.
Oh right. And I witnessed a fight on the bus today. It's really ridiculous. One of the guys just sat down on the seat and at the next stop, suddenly two aunties rushed from the back to the middle of the bus without getting down. I thought what happened sia, then I looked behind and saw these two men caught in a fight. Like seriously? Why did they even have to fight? So weird. Oh wells, but these incidents have been occurring way too frequently.
Where has all the considerate people gone to? Sigh...
Posted by Unknown at 20:45 0 comments
Thursday, 5 July 2012
Birthdays and more birthdays!
So finally, I pulled myself to write this post. Let's start from Sunday 1st July.
Pretty isn't it! Love it to bits. Haha. I'm a total android convert now. Other than my ipod which is 4 years old, my phone and now this is android OS. :)
Wednesday was my 21st Birthday, and I met up with Regina for lunch. We wanted to go Keppel Bay, but it kept raining, so we decided that it was better to stay indoors, and went to town instead. Ate at Coca Restaurant. Steamboat buffet. We ordered so much in two rounds haha. But so satisfying! After that, I got tempted by Regina to get Olympus EPL-3. Sigh, money gone. I will take it as a birthday present for myself! Would have gotten EP-3, but it's too expensive. It's not much of a difference anyway I feel, except for the touch screen on EP-3 but it doesn't matter to me. So EPL-3 I bought! the white one. So pretty. Super broke now though, shall go on a SAVE MONEY SCHEME. haha.
Honestly I have always wanted an Olympus Pen but I always thought it was too expensive so I didn't get it. This time I was convinced to get it because it gave so much free stuff it was really a good deal. :) Shall make full use of it when I go to Korea and Taiwan!
Met Sheena for dinner after that! Kind of. I was so late because I was purchasing the camera. SORRY SHEENA! went to swenson's for dinner and got treated by her! :D THANKS. I ordered apple crumble.
The apple bits are really sweet. Which is good for me. I love this kind of sweet stuff haha. Thanks for the treat again!

Outfit for Monday! Dress from Hollyhoque. But it's abit on the short side.
AND that's what happened for the past few days!!
Oh right. Regina and I started our discussions for the Korea trip. Damn exciting haha. Just thought of it makes me high. We are gonna go Jeju, and of course explore around in Seoul! Need to buy tickets soon! So that I can apply for my visa and stuff. :D Can't Wait!!!!
Posted by Unknown at 21:23 0 comments
Saturday, 30 June 2012
Exploring Singapore
Posted by Unknown at 13:00 0 comments
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Met Elizabeth and YeeChing for lunch today. We went Hatched to try out the food there. Now I can strike it off my "Want To Try" list. Well, I must say the food is not bad.. But the price is a bit on the high side. So overall not very worthed the money. No pictures, because I was too busy catching up with them since I haven't seen them for quite long, especially Yeeching. :D
After that we went to starbucks to contine chatting... and for yeeching to satisfy her cheesecake craving. She was saying how in UK she could find cheesecake of so many flavours, all except the plain one. Haha.
On a side note, I really can't wait to fly off. But module mapping is so frustrating. I'm going to finish all 10 slots of the module mapping but still, I can't map the ideal number of modules that I want to take. :(
Posted by Unknown at 20:45 0 comments
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Ohmygosh. I think I need to put a disclaimer here. Please stop asking me to celebrate my birthday with another person! Usually I don't mind. But this is my 21st birthday. Can it be like solely for me? At least something special. Otherwise just don't celebrate for me I don't mind. zzz.
Posted by Unknown at 23:07 0 comments
Sunday, 24 June 2012
S.H.E They are back!!
Posted by Unknown at 15:05 0 comments
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Shinhwa Grand Tour in Singapore The Return 2012
My knowledge of Shinhwa started in Primary 5 or Primary 6, when their Perfect Man was one of the songs in MVP情人, a Taiwan drama. This was the first song I heard from them. Not the first korean song though (BoA's Valenti was the first Korean song I heard.). That song caught my attention and yep, introduced me to Shinhwa. But because I was still young, and Mandopop was so in at that time, Kpop totally did not appear in my mind. Somehow, Kpop seemed to be lingering around waiting for me to discover it, since groups I used to like such as Energy and 5566 did the Chinese versions of Shinhwa's songs. Up until like when I was in Sec 3. When I first got to know about DBSK and stuff, and that was when I first got into Kpop. But even then, I still wasn't really a fan of them, partly because they were not as active at that time. But I still remembered that my class kind of danced to that song in sec 3 for teacher's day. hahaha. However, here and there I would listen to their songs, like Wild eyes, Throw my fist, Brand New, Once in a Lifetime.
It was until this year when they announced their comeback that I started to find out more about them. Because I was into Kpop for a fairly long time, I respected them so I was kind of anticipating what they would bring back. After all the genre of Kpop has changed so much I needed some old school feel back. So I went to watch videos of them, from which I realised that I have actually been watching them constantly just that my focus was not on them and on other artistes during variety show. What surprised me is the love they have for each other, like they are real brothers. They make fun of each other, but never holding any grudge, at times they look out for each other and take care of each other. They never held back their affection towards the members. They are just really comfortable around each other. And also, they never changed. The way they interacted now and in the past was totally the same.
Sometimes it just made me wonder why didn't I give them more attention in the past? Somehow I feel like I missed out so many things. I still remembered when one of their members first caught my eye. That member is my current bias Hyesung. Haha. I came to know him through this song called Keep Holding U, apparently a song sung for the soundtrack of a Japanese movie. The song was sung by Sunmin, and he was just featured as the male partner in the duet, since its (SunminThanxHyesung). But at that time his voice really drew me in. I really loved it alot. Until now. Following, it was probably Minwoo because of his solo activities and then the rest.
So, when they made their comeback, I was so happy. I started to watch every of their Venus performances, the variety shows they went on, listen to them talking about past stories, such that I feel I can relate to it. Then came the announcement that they were going to have Singapore as one of the stops for their Asia tour. Guess what, me and regina, just had to get the most expensive tickets. And it was really expensive. I never payed so much for any concert that I went before. I didn't know why such impulse at that time. Ticket sales opened during exam period, and I was worrying about my exams and the tickets at the same time. Fought a ticket war which was so tiring. And it was only April. Around 2 more months before the actual concert.
So the tickets were bought and what is left is to wait. So we waited, while indulging in more Shinhwa as the days passed, hearing news about their other concerts, I was left wondering if Hyesung would be able to dance during the Singapore concert (He injured his knee rather badly during the second day of concert in Korea). And then, 16 June came. and here we were at RWS.
We decided to go early, just to get the merchandise, we wanted to get the shirt. (Actually I wanted the hoodie they sold at their Korea concert but they didn't bring it to Singapore. I think it's sold out.) I was actually quite surprised that there was no queue (when I went to B2ST's concert earlier in March, the merchandise queue was so long). But I was so scared the T-shirts were sold out. The T-shirts weren't on display, and I had to ask the staff. She asked what colour and when I said white, I was so scared she was going to say "Oh, white sold out already" but fortunately, there were still stocks. Yay.
the mini banner that the fanclub gave out. haha thank you! I seldom have this kind of things to hold because i usually don't do my own boards haha. it's like a souvenir for me :)
and this was how close i was to the stage. I mean, extended stage. I could see them so clearly when they came to this part! :D
Okay. I think, Imma go song by song hahaha. The order of the concert went like this:
there was a violin prelude. Everytime the violinist stopped playing the whole ballroom just screamed cus we all thought that Shinhwa was going to appear already. haha. Anyway, I screamed like mad when they finally appeared. In white shiny costumes. really like 白马王子!They were revealed to be behind the big screen, but when the screen opened, Dongwan and Andy were blocked from my view. Oh wells.
Then after that it was
Hey! Come On!
to be honest, I only heard Energy's version before. Shinhwa's version I only heard it a few times. haha but nevertheless, the mood was so high! Minwoo really know how to set the atmosphere. :)
Opening Ment
today then i realise that these two songs super sexy. hahaha. And now I have grown to love their ballads. Everytime they sing it's so full of feeling and I'm just drawn to it. I can just sit there and listen to them.
Wild Eyes
I knew this song for quite a long time, because of the chair dance for this song. Like variety shows always refer to this dance as legendary and such. It was quite cool, because the dance to the whole song really made use of the chair. What's so special during this concert was that there was one point of time where Minwoo just shoot up onto the chair without wobbling or anything. And the thing is that it perfectly fits the music and hit the exact timing. Me and Regina was just totally blown away. My eyes were actually on Hyesung but that caught my attention. Haha.
Perfect Man
totally went crazy. Me and Regina literally sang to the whole song hahaha. After all this was the first song that made us knew the existence of Shinhwa.
Time Machine
How Do I Say
으쌰 으쌰
A very summer-ish song from their first album. At that time their voices were still so raw! But this song is so catchy, makes me wanna sing with them, which I did! at all the Eusha Eusha! and the Hey Hey Hey Ho!
Poor Hyesung missed the last line. Because it was quite a long pause before the last line, I think he missed the timing. when he wanted to sing, the music came in, stopping it all. and he just gave up with quite a disappointed look.
On the Road
One ballad that I really liked from their latest album. Fell in love with in straight away when I heard their acoustic version on Yoon Do Hyun's Must. From then on, I just kept listening to that version, such that I didn't know how the original version started. So when the intro for that song started playing, I didn't know until regina keep tapping me and say that they are going to sing On the Road. Then we were like "wait! keep quiet first!" until Hyesung started singing and the both of us just melted. The way that he crept into the verse was so nice.... :D
Deep Sorrow
The setting was really nice for this song, the screen just showed red box-y lines and the stage was dimmed such that only the lights on the steps of the stage were seen. Basically, the whole appearance of the stage were just lines and more lines. And I love their costumes for this section! (I can't remember from which song did they start wearing this set) No outer coats, just shirts, some with ties, some without. Sexy much. haha. super charismatic.
너의 결훈식
Not a very known song, but thanks to Regina, she made me like the song so much. So during this song we just went crazy. Then regina told me that it seems like they were lipsynching, which I think they were because the song sounded too perfect. Not that their singing was not good, but the start of every sentence and how they ended seemed too uniform to be a live performance. But, it doesn't matter.
Once in a Lifetime
Used to be my favourite ballad because this song really went deep into my heart. and because this song is so apt for them.
I Pray 4 U
The way Minwoo started this song just made me melt. It was so gentle.. One song that I grew to like after they sang it on Yoon Do Hyun's Must as well.
Jam #1
Never really listened to this song before, but it's quite a nice song.
Another ballad from their latest album. And I really love this song. The adlibs and everything. Plus Eric's epic rap. Haha. Yay we got to listen to it live!
Title song of their comeback album, the song that I heard the most times. The song with the loudest fanchant. Whee. Got to see everything that i observed in their performance videos... The actual choreography, Hyesung's hand gestures, Eric's movement when it was his rap.. Totally the same :D
Ending Ment
Brand New
This song totally gave me a heart attack. Everytime the stage blacked out, regina and I will just tell each other "omg if they sing brand new now i will have heart attack". They didn't perform it, and when it was during their ending ment, and they said it's going to be their last song, I was starting to wonder if the would perform it at all. and then BAM the song played. Both of us totally jumped to the edge of our seats. Observing every dance step. I wouldn't say I know every step exactly, but the number of times I watched the performances gave me enough to know at which part they were supposed to do what. This is another song that regina made me watch so much of because it was a song she really liked. And I'm so happy I managed to watch them do the choreography live.
Heard this song from Yoon Do Hyun's Must also. So I only know two sentences. But it was enough. haha.
For these two songs, regina and I just rushed from our seats to try to get as near to the extended stage as possible. Heh.
Now more of the interesting stuff. Haha. At one point of time, because Minwoo started talking about Shinhwa Broadcast, the fans made Eric do his angry Buing Buing. Damn funny haha. Minwoo also asked Dongwan to speak in Chinese. LOL. and he said 我的女朋友很漂亮。我的女朋友是你们。then minwoo said Dongwan Liar. hahaha. Dongwan also sang "You are so~~~ SINGAPORE~~~" after which he apologised immediately. He and his gags, seriously. Then i remembered for one song when hyesung was singing his solo part then all other members were squatting down, eric was squatting quite far away then Hyesung gestured him to move nearer. RicSung much. XD. Oh. Minwoo also made Hyesung speak english. then they started to speak in the "hiphop" way with all the "yo" and stuff. LOL. and apparently junjin saw a board that said "Kiwi Wangja" and pointed out to Andy, which made Andy hide in embarassment. Haha poor him. Then there was one part when hyesung wanted to speak but minwoo suddenly made the other members sing acapella with him to the tune of Stand by Me which erm, didn't came out as nice. haha. but hyesung just ignored them and continued talking as though the acapella was background music. Another one, which regina told me, apparently during the encore, Eric noticed a toy duck on stage, then he squatted down and held the mic to the duck. -.- totally showing his 4D self. At the very end when they were going off stage, Minwoo shouted 우리는~~ and the audience responded 신화입니다! He then followed by 싱가폴~~~ what do you expect.. of course we will shout 신화입니다! la. LOL. and he was like 네. 싱가폴 신화입니다. LOL. oh ya and there was one time when when they walked from the main stage to the extended stage and Minwoo touched one of the lights and exclaimed 뜨거워. Erm hello mr lee, nobody asked you to touch it lol. But haha so cute.
What I did notice about the members are that:
Eric is always looking out for the members, and guides them. Like when he sees that there are already some of them on one side of the extended stage he will lead the other to the other side and stuff. Awesome leader. The best leader ever :D
Minwoo is really a performer. He is the one who always hypes up the concert, the one who does most of the talking and interaction, the fanservice king.
Dongwan just gave his all in every performance, singing each song as best as he can, dancing each song as best as he can. even when his earpiece malfunctioned, he didn't let it affect him. I think some other members' earpieces as well. But they all didn't let it affect them, and try to sing every song as perfectly as the can, only going to change earpieces when it was interaction time.
Hyesung's voice is just so perfect. what else can I say about him? haha. Most of the time during the concert I was just looking at him. Worrying that he will dance too full out and get injured again, or if he has recovered enough to dance for the whole concert and stuff. ><
Junjin, he hurt his back, as said by Eric, but he didn't show it. He may not be as full out as the others when he dance, but he doesn't show that he is in pain or anything. Respect.
Andy. Ever since I knew that his back has been giving him problems, I alway worry whether he is okay or not when he performs. But just like Junjin, he doesn't really show it. -claps- :)
Thank goodness for Regina who watched the concert with me. Otherwise I would not have enjoyed the concert so much. :) The next time they come back to singapore for a concert, I will definitely go. And i want to go Korea to attend their concert at least once. Definitely a must. From now, I will keep supporting them like I support DBSK. :D
Oh ya and I need to say. The lights damn nice. The effects on the screens too. Half of the time i was like WAH THE SETTING DAMN NICE. haha
Posted by Unknown at 00:52 0 comments
Friday, 15 June 2012
So, almost half of the vacation has passed. I've just been dancing and lazing around. But now I have something to be busy with. I think.
Yesterday I got my confirmation email from NTHU! So yes! I'm going Taiwan for exchange next semester. Was so worried that I check my email like at least 5 times everyday. Haha. But what a relief. :D
Went for Fredy's class yesterday because he decided to teach The Wanted's Glad You Came. And I'm so happy that I decided to go. Enjoyed the class so much, and I love the choreography haha. Went Zaihar's class after that but died because my brain couldn't process anymore. But, the class was very fun too! Love the choreography. Haha. Went for my first broadway class on Wednesday and it's fun! Like so different from the stuff I usually do. High probability that I will go for it again :D
Posted by Unknown at 20:51 0 comments
Sunday, 3 June 2012
I'm guilty for all the wanting to give up halfway, thinking that this will never work out and stuff. But I guess when you have a different goal it does make things easier. Wanting to win is not wrong, but wanting to create a memorable moment motivates me further. Sometimes you just have to see past winning and see what is more than just that. Winning is probably just a bonus, if we do win that is. There isn't any 'oh I could have done better if given another chance' feeling after performing. okay maybe just a little, when i suddenly lost track of direction and didn't know where to go next. But it's not the 'I didn't give in my 100%' kind of feeling. While waiting for the scores I just felt that I will be contented with a reasonable score, and it was. :)
This is probably my last performance with this Blast! batch, before I graduate, because I can't do SUAD and after coming back from exchange I'm left with half a year of university. So I guess it made a good ending to my Blast! adventures. hohoho. :D
Posted by Unknown at 19:56 0 comments
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
It actually hurts me a little to realize how out of touch I had been with my JC class. It's like only me pulling away but the others are still as close. Sometimes I do feel bad for it, but everytime I want to strike up a conversation with one of them, I could not find any topic, any words. The only things I could write or type was 'Hello', 'Long time since we talked', and I would be speechless again when the replied. I wish I could have casual conversations with them just like that, but it's just so difficult for me. I feel a little broken inside whenever I see such happy conversations appearing on twitter or facebook between them. Sometimes even a little jealous. Just because I know I can never be like that.
Tearing because of this seems so laughable, since it can only be my fault. It's been years since I told myself to try not to depend on people, because when they leave you, you just fall down so hard and leave wounds that would not heal. But until know, I still know that deep inside I still need someone that I can depend on, and even though I try to eliminate this feeling, it still comes back to haunt me occasionally.
Oh right. Being 21 this year probably doesn't even mean anything to me. I guess it will be the usual family dinner on the day itself. I ever wished for a birthday party, or at least a day where I can enjoy, a day where I feel more happy than usual. I wish for presents, not a lot, but just some, best if these were things I wanted. I wish for something special to happen. I wish for a memorable day. But this probably would not happen. Nobody reads this blog anyway. Nobody cares.
Somehow I just can't wait to go Taiwan for SEP, away from people I know so that I don't need to put on this mask everyday. This mask that I hate because it makes me superficial, it makes me a hypocrite.
Funny, isn't it? It's only the second week of vacation. I'm supposed to feel happy and enjoy the free time I have, but I'm here with all these dislikable emotions...
Posted by Unknown at 23:15 0 comments
Friday, 4 May 2012
Girls' Day Out
So after kbox I want to Made With Love at Plaza Singapura because they were having a move out sale. Wanted to start on scrapbooking which was one of my plans this vacation so I decided to go there to get some papers and cardstocks. And, I bought a lot. Still need to get some materials from Amazon.com though, but this is a first step. And I'm gonna start printing out some of my instagram photos to include in my scrapbooking. I really appreciate all these photography apps because I have no idea how to edit photos into such nice states and these ready-made filters really helped me out alot. The above photos were edited using instagram and streamzoo. I'm using a Samsung Galaxy SII and both apps are available on android :) Till then!
Posted by Unknown at 23:08 0 comments
Dancing again
whee. I finally danced. FINALLY. haha. I haven't like full out in a long time. I am so happy. Really missed dancing eh. All because of exams. Now that exams are over, I can dance as much as I want! But then I seem to have lost my groove. :( I feel so rusty dancing now. Needs to get back the feel as soon as possible. Fighting!
On a side note, Hyesung danced for Mcountdown today! YAY. Like a finally haha. I think about this day for how long already. But this is like the last week of Shinhwa's appearance on music shows. :( Needs to be longer ah, though I know it's because they need to go for their Asia concert tour. Oh wells, I shall wait for 16 June then. Hahaha. So much anticipation! ^^
Oh right. and. HAPPY BIRTHDAY REGINA! not like you will see this la, but still hehe. many many loves to you! Hahaha.
Posted by Unknown at 00:18 0 comments
Monday, 30 April 2012
Post-exam plans
okay. so exams are officially over for me today and I am so glad because I can stop stressing up for a while. Special sem starts in a week though, but I guess it's okay, at least I won't have to laze around at home with nothing to do. That's like something that I super hate about vacations.
So, to keep myself busy this vacation, I made so many plans and I hope I can continue them - like not give up halfway. ><
First one would be something like scrapbooking. An idea I took from this website www.blinksoflife.com It's a really pretty blog and I thought it would be a good idea if I could just print out some of my instagram photos and keep them in an album. Maybe I can even decorate the album a bit. Haha.
Second one would be to go into the kitchen. Haven't been baking or cooking stuff for a long time. Really want to do some baking especially after seeing some awesome recipes that I really want to try. The sad thing is, I don't have a proper oven at home, only a microwave oven. And my mum refuses to buy a proper oven. So I don't know if my baking will succeed or not.
Last one is to continue self-learning korean! something that I keep dragging and stuff. But this I will definitely do it haha. Until I realise I have no time.
Oh wells, all these on top of dancing. :D I really miss dancing. Haven't danced for so long I feel like I forgot how to dance already. I'm so gonna spam dance classes this vacation! And really hope I can have a meaningful vacation and not just spend the time rotting at home.
Posted by Unknown at 17:53 0 comments
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Singapore Dance Delight Vol. 3
Anyway, results.
Special Award: JATB, Urban Myx.
3rd: A-Team. They are really good, and every time I see them I always wonder what's their average age. They looks so young... I really salute the only girl in that team. She really kept up to the guys.
2nd: Elecoldxhot. Definitely deserving of this award. Their visuals were really great and I enjoyed watching them.
CHAMPION: DA STREET SOULZ. They totally deserve it man. Their techniques were up there and it's really amazing to see 4 small sized people killing the stage instead of letting the stage eat them up. They totally made use of the whole stage space for their item.
During the announcement of results I was so nervous (even though I was not participating haha). Really wanted DSS to win (which they did in the end of course!) and every time they announce the crew I was hoping that their name wouldn't be called until it's time to announce the champion. I was so happy, and i'm sure many people were when they were announced the champion. I would definitely look forward to them competing at JDD :D YAY.
Posted by Unknown at 01:59 0 comments